2 minute read

The last thing you want to do is panic when a crisis happens. By staying crisis fit you can feel confident you’re prepared for the inevitable.

Simulations, exercises and training will help you be as prepared as possible for a variety of worst-case crisis scenarios. From cyber-attacks to natural disasters, simulations identify opportunities for refinement and make you pitch perfect should a crisis occur.

Crisis simulations are an immersive and interactive learning experience, allowing each person to get a better sense of what it is like to be in a particular situation and how they are likely to react.  By practicing responses to different crisis scenarios, it helps engrain the behaviour and reduce the panic.

Whether in-person or computer-based simulations, it’s important to learn all you can from the experience, without facing the risks and consequences that can occur in the real world.

Check out our Top 5 Crisis Fit List below

      • Have a plan
        Outlines how to respond to different types of emergencies and ensure its accessible and up to date

          • Keep up with the latest
            stay informed through government agencies, news outlets and health organisations

            • Seek support
              reach out to colleagues, friends or a mental health professional if you need it

              • Stay connected
                communicate regularly with those that need to be across the situation

                • Practise, practise, practise
                  practise responses & practise self-care

              Battleground enhances the simulation experience by transforming it into a learning environment in which every participant emerges with personal insights and reflections. Through extensive scientific research, we have developed a unique simulation model based on the psychology of an individual’s different characteristics and behavioural reactions under pressure. This model exposes participants to at least three experiences involving live simulations, team or one-on-one coaching, a training workshop and feedback report.

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