Aged Care Provider

Aged Care was hit hard during COVID. Residential facilities were in lockdown, full PPE and infection control procedures were in place, no visitors allowed, you get the picture. There was an extreme risk of high levels of transmission and customer fatalities if the disease gets hold in a facility. 


The business implemented a multi-tiered response structure with CMT assuming operational control of the business.The team meet daily (including weekends) to provide the strategic oversight and decision making. 

Next was the Pandemic Management team (reporting to CMT) which consisted of around 30 senior leaders from across all business units. The PMT provided the operational decision making and communications mechanism. PMT meet daily at 9am. Sitting under PMT were business unit level PMT’s and under that was site level SMT (site management teams)

“The application has helped to revolutionise the business impact assessment and business continuity planning functions across a vast network of corporate, residential, clinic and small branch locations across the country.”

Head of Risk and Compliance | Independent and Assisted Living


Activation of 150+ Business Continuity Plans was made easy using the  Battleground cloud based platform. Battleground allowed them to consolidate information into one simple platform, enabling us to quickly understand the situation, its impact and business criticality.


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