Risk Intelligence

Risk Intelligence

Battleground helps to you confidently manage risks in the real world, where objectives, design and enablers must work together to protect and grow value.

What makes Battleground different

Battleground provides high quality, exceptional value, risk management solutions.

How do people in your organisation think about risk when making decisions?

The effective management of risk exists through alignment of objectives, operational design, enablers and performance to support people consistently making sound, risk-informed decisions.

Tailored to your specific needs and level of organisational risk maturity Battleground develop solutions including:

Framework & Process

Design & Implementation

Risk Facilitation

Executives & Board

Issues Management

Structure and process design and implementation

Risk Appetite & Tolerance

Articulation & implementation in organisational decision making

Risk Profile

Facilitation, development & update in all business contexts e.g. strategic, operational, project, facilities

Risk Intelligence Platform

Innovative risk management that engages those who manage risk

Risk Informed Decision Making

Capture and validate the right data to make and execute better risk informed decisions

Risk Management that Protects and Grows Business Value

Recognising risks in the context of value protection and growth is how Battleground helps our clients to focus on the risks that really matter.

Managing risk in the real world

At Battleground, we recognise that the purpose of managing risk is to help organisations achieve their business objectives – to grow and protect value.

Our approach appreciates that risks exist within an organisational context – priorities, objectives, commitments, constraints and expectations and are managed through what an organisation does each day – business processes.

That is why our approach has business process at the core – because only by truly understanding their purpose, design, enablement and performance can you know if risks are being managed well.


Understanding what business objectives, products and customer requirements the process enables supports a clear picture of what we must do in order to achieve our goals. Are we aligned on what success means?


What data do we obtain to give us insight in to our performance against our purpose and do we obtain it at the right time. When we gather data that demonstrates a need for improvement how do we respond?


We must understand how we have designed our organisation - targets, policy, process, accountability - and whether we have set ourselves up for success. Are our goals achievable or do we have a risk of disconnection?


The missing link between design and operation, and often only considered when things go wrong is enablement. What resources (human, financial or technological) are available and are they sufficient? What constraints must we understand and workwithin?


Understanding what business objectives, products and customer requirements the process enables supports a clear picture of what we must do in order to achieve our goals. Are we aligned on what success means?


What data do we obtain to give us insight in to our performance against our purpose and do we obtain it at the right time. When we gather data that demonstrates a need for improvement how do we respond?


We must understand how we have designed our organisation - targets, policy, process, accountability - and whether we have set ourselves up for success. Are our goals achievable or do we have a risk of disconnection?


The missing link between design and operation, and often only considered when things go wrong is enablement. What resources (human, financial or technological) are available and are they sufficient? What constraints must we understand and workwithin?

Risk Intelligence – Rethought

Battleground’s increasing tech and expert consultants have the resilience ecosystem covered.

With our human centric approach, you can feel confident thanks to our innovative approach, that is simple to execute.

Meet Peter & Joe


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